


Families FAQ

  1. How will my child be evaluated/graded? How will I know that they are making progress?

  2. How will students get to the school location?

    Families can escort their learners to school and pick them up at the end of the day. However, Connecticut State law (Sec. 10-281) states that school districts have to provide transportation for students attending nonprofit, private schools within the district.

  3. What would my students be learning different or better from what they are currently learning? What can you offer? Why would it benefit me to be the “first-of” in this program?

  4. What if my child has special needed or a 504 Plan?

  5. What if my child needs counseling?

  6. How are schedules managed? What is my child’s scheduling going to be?

  7. Are there emergency drills?

  8. Are there school uniforms?

  9. Is your school accredited? 

  10. How does your school get my child prepared to apply for college?

  11. Are you going to have grade-levels?

  12. Does your school have sports/extra-curricular?

  13. What is the code of conduct? How will disciplinary actions be handled? What is the process?

  14. What is your scholarship policy?

  15. What about lunch at the school for my child?

  16. What is your allergy policy?

  17. What are the school hours? Is there an afterschool program?

  18. What if you are sick? Who will be there for the students?

  19. What is your refund policy? 

  20. How will different ages work together and still learn?

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Funders FAQ


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